Monitoreo de AWS ELB

Monitoreo de AWS ELB

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) es un servicio de equilibrio de carga de Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS ELB distribuye automáticamente el tráfico entrante de la aplicación en varios objetivos, como instancias de EC2, y escala recursos para cumplir con las demandas de tráfico. Elastic Load Balancing ayuda a los equipos de TI a ajustar la capacidad de conformidad con aplicaciones entrantes y tráfico de red.

AWS ELB es compatible con tres tipos de equilibradores de carga: Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers y Classic Load Balancers.

Applications Manager's AWS Lambda monitoring is an intelligent tool with the following advantages and capabilities:

  • Application Load Balancer maneja un enrutado avanzado de tráfico de otros servicios o contenedores a nivel aplicación.
  • Network Load Balancer es ideal para equilibrar la carga del tráfico TCP y capaz de manejar millones de solicitudes por segundo mientras mantiene latencias bajas.
  • Classic Load Balancer distribuye el tráfico entrante de aplicaciones en varias instancias de EC2 en varias zonas de disponibilidad.

Key metrics to monitor with Lambda monitoring


Applications Manager collects invocation stats from Amazon CloudWatch and provides you with processed information like invocations/min, success and error rates. Monitor AWS Lambda to keep track of failed, throttled, and successful invocations. Monitoring invocations will help you keep track of application activity and how your functions are performing. A drop in invocations could indicate a problem with the function or a connected AWS service.

AWS Lambda Function Monitoring - Manageengine Applications Manager

Concurrent events & executions

Monitoring AWS Lambda is important because, if the concurrent execution limit or the reserved concurrency limit configured on the function is exceeded, AWS Lambda throttles additional invocation requests. Keeping track of concurrency helps you manage over-provisioned functions and scale your functions to support the flow of application traffic. You can also monitor AWS Lambda functions for more details about concurrent executions like provisioned concurrency stats, concurrent executions and invocations.

Lambda Monitoring in AWS - Manageengine Applications Manager

Errors & failures

In asynchronous invocations, it is usual to encounter destination delivery failures and dead letter queues. Both these errors occur due to incorrect permissions, inappropriate configuration of resources, or size limits, for the most part. AWS Lambda function monitoring can be useful in keeping track of invocations and their configurations to pre-emptively avoid these errors beforehand.

Applications Manager also provides information on the time taken by each event and iteration age for stream-based invocations. Get notified when the value of the iterator age metric increases and take steps to decrease the time taken by the function to process records in a batch of data.

Lambda performance Monitoring - Manageengine Applications Manager

By monitoring crucial AWS Lambda performance metrics such as the duration, you can perceive the speed at which the events are executed with dimensions like average, minimum and maximum time taken to execute the function. Monitoring duration will also help you manage AWS costs better, especially if you're managing large volumes of requests across hundreds of functions.

Lambda Monitoring Tool - Manageengine Applications Manager

Set up your own Lambda function monitor now!

AWS Lambda monitoring is a part of Applications Manager's AWS monitoring solution that also includes AWS ECS monitoring. Our AWS Lambda monitoring dashboard displays information about your Lambda configurations in a single tab for easy reference. Data like resource stats, security and network information, function details and other configuration details are available at your disposal.

Download a 30-day free trial to explore Applications Manager on your own, or schedule a personalized demo for a guided tour.


FAQs on Lambda monitoring:

What is AWS Lambda monitoring?


How to monitor AWS Lambda function?


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